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Robert Pattinson é eleito o homem mais bonito do mundo

O ator foi eleito, segundo cirurgião plástico, o homem com o rosto mais simétrico, desbancando até mesmo George Clooney

Robert Pattinson será o Homem Morcego em 'The Batman'
Robert Pattinson será o Homem Morcego em 'The Batman' -
Aos 33 anos de idade, o ator Robert Pattinson é o homem com o rosto mais simétrico do mundo. Isso de acordo com os cálculos do cirurgião plástico Julian De Silva.

Com 92,15% de simetria, Robert Pattinson desbancou vários famosos, entre eles o ator Henry Cavill com 91,64%, Bradley Cooper com 91,08%, Brad Pitt com 90,51% e George Clooney com 89,91%. As medidas do rosto dos artistas foram aferidas e comparadas através de um computador, chegando ao resultado.

George Clooney teve uma colocação melhor nesse ranking no passado, mas caiu para o quinto lugar. Segundo o cirurgião, em grande parte devido ao efeito do envelhecimento.

A medida foi criada na Grécia Antiga e se chama proporção áurea. "É uma equação matemática criada pelos gregos na tentativa de medir a beleza, e pode ser aplicada a qualquer coisa", explica De Silva, que atende em Londres e usa a tecnologia em seu trabalho.

Essa mesma medida foi usada por Leonardo Da Vinci para criar a obra "Homem Vitruviano". "A premissa é de que, quanto mais próximas as proporções de um rosto ou corpo do número 1.618 (Phi), mais bonitas as pessoas são", explicou o cirurgião plástico. E aí, será que a beleza de Robert Pattinson é digna de uma pintura?

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Batman and Twilight star Robert Pattinson is the most beautiful man in the world, according to science. The 33-year-old actor was found to be 92.15% accurate to the Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - which measure physical perfection. The 33-year-old actor, who takes over as the Caped Crusader in a new blockbuster next year, was found to be 92.15% accurate to the Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - which measure physical perfection. The Witcher star Henry Cavill was second with 91.08%, Bradley Cooper was third with 91.08% and Brad Pitt, tipped for an Oscar for his supporting role in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, was fourth with 90.51%. Previous winner George Clooney, the oldest star on the list, slumped to fifth place - largely because of the effect of ageing on the 58-year-old had resulted in a loss of volume in the face, giving him a score of 89.91%. David Beckham was seventh with a score of 88.96% and the most chiselled chin in the top ten. Becks also had a near-perfect ratio in the size of his nose and his lips. The list was compiled using the latest computerised mapping techniques. Robert Pattinson was the clear winner when all elements of the face were measured for physical perfection. These brand new computer mapping techniques allow us to solve some of the mysteries of what it is that makes someone physically beautiful and the technology is useful when planning patients’ surgery. The Golden Ratio was a mathematical equation devised by the Greeks in an attempt to measure beauty. The ratio can be applied to anything and was used by Leonardo Da Vinci for the perfect human male body in his famous work, the Vitruvian Man. The premise behind this is that the closer the ratios of a face or body are to the number 1.618 (Phi), the more beautiful they become. To read the full article, visit the link in my bio. #news #beauty #plasticsurgery #harleystreet #beautifacation #beautifulfaces #jdsgoldenratio #celeb

Uma publicação compartilhada por Dr. Julian De Silva MD MBBS (@drjuliandesilva) em