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A yellow vest
A yellow vest "Gilets Jaunes" anti-government protestor stands on a burning barricade in Paris on January 5, 2019 during clashes with security personnel. - France's "yellow vest" protestors were back on the streets again as a government spokesman denounced those still protesting as hard-liners who wanted only to bring down the government. Several hundred protestors gathered on the Champs Elysees in central Paris, where around 15 police wagons were also deployed, an AFP journalist said. Marches were underway in several other cities across France. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) -

MAIS DE 25 MIL 'coletes amarelos' protestaram pelo oitavo sábado na França contra o governo de Emmanuel Macron. Em Paris, a manifestação começou pacífica pela manhã, mas houve confrontos à tarde. Manifestantes atiraram objetos em policiais, que responderam com gás lacrimogêneo. Motos, carros e latas de lixo foram queimados no Boulevard Saint-Germain, bairro nobre da capital, onde havia barricadas improvisadas (foto). Houve protestos também em cidades como Bordeaux, Toulouse, Rouen e Montpellier.